Tamara Olson, revised Jan.2006
These tests are designed to test for mastery of the rules for
symbolic differentiation and basic integration taught in
Calculus I. They are meant to be printed and taken by hand,
without the aid of computer or calculator.
To generate a test, you'll need to do the following:
- Download the Mathematica notebook,
(hold the Shift key while you left-click on the link)
- Start Mathematica, and open the notebook.
- Run the first cell (click the cursor anywhere in the cell
and "Shift-Return")
- If there are "Spell" errors, delete them (or run the first
cell again to generate a new test without spell-check errors).
- To print out a test, highlight the cells to be printed
and then choose "Print Selection" from the "File" menu
in the upper left corner of the Mathematica window.
Worksheets for Integral Calculus
Tamara Olson
Some of this stuff is very old.
Ask me for help if it doesn't work right (trolson at mtu.edu).
Section numbers refer to the relevant section(s) in
CALCULUS, Single and Multivariable
(second edition)
by Hughes-Hallet et alli.
To download the Mathematica notebooks, hold the Shift key
while you left-click on the link.
- Calculus
(my one-page textbook
covering differentiation and integration, with a
two-page worksheet through which students can discover the
fundamental theorem of calculus)
- 3.1 Velocities and Distances
- 6.1 Antiderivatives: Graphical and Numerical
- 6.3 Constant Acceleration
- 7.1 Integrals, Averages, and Substitution
- 7.3 Integration by Parts Practice Problems
- 7.7 Improper Integrals
- 8.1 Slicing
- 8.2 Density Functions
- 8.3 WORK sheet
- 8.3 More WORK
(Technically the same problem as the WORK sheet above, but
solved completely differently. Students can do the
problem two ways and check that the work is the same either way.)
Old links
The following worksheets are in postscript (or compressed postscript):
- Calculus (my one-page textbook
covering differential and integral calculus, with a
two-page worksheet through which students can discover the
fundamental theorem of calculus)
- Slicing worksheet with
All of these worksheets are under continual revision.
If you'd like an updated
version of any of these, just send me email.
If you have any suggestions for corrections, additions,
or improvements, please let me know.
Tamara Olson
Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
Michigan Technological University